Andrew Joslin: Yes, you can draw on the floor, just put some paper down
Andrew Joslin: Fledgling artists in the zone
Andrew Joslin: Big day for this artist
Andrew Joslin: Charchoal and chalk shading exercise to show sudents the possibilities
Andrew Joslin: Rothko? Meet Kandinsky, outstanding work
Andrew Joslin: After class they helped clean-up without me asking, I'm impressed
Andrew Joslin: Testing out their super-duper paper airplanes
Andrew Joslin: Book making
Andrew Joslin: Student poem
Andrew Joslin: Student is deep in it
Andrew Joslin: My example page, letting the kids know "Stay loose"
Andrew Joslin: Deep attention while bookmaking
Andrew Joslin: Making a great book for himself
Andrew Joslin: Healing fun at the birch logs after story telling time
Andrew Joslin: Schoolyard exploration yields giant birch polypore fungi
Andrew Joslin: Cooking pancakes! Mr Hustle is a natural
Andrew Joslin: No complaints
Andrew Joslin: All the kids really liked cooking
Andrew Joslin: Waiting for more cakes
Andrew Joslin: Careful eating, it's important to have the right baby finger up!
Andrew Joslin: Mini zipline was fun
Andrew Joslin: Ad hoc swing setup, a good ride
Andrew Joslin: Proud of their combo shelter/hammock rig
Andrew Joslin: The students build birch walkways, great fun ensues!
Andrew Joslin: Taking it further, going through hoop while balancing on birch
Andrew Joslin: Building a secure tripod, they sharpened the ground ends with a small axe
Andrew Joslin: Climbed and experienced the stability of their well made tripod
Andrew Joslin: A little elevation makes all the difference in the student's perspective
Andrew Joslin: The payoff for their work
Andrew Joslin: Best to enjoy a situation