Andrew Joslin:
Bike to the tree
Andrew Joslin:
Bee hive box hoping to attract a new queen from the wild hive
Andrew Joslin:
Trunk view, what species oak?
Andrew Joslin:
Trunk view, what species oak?
Andrew Joslin:
One shot and in over 70' limb
Andrew Joslin:
Bike security while I'm busy in the tree
Andrew Joslin:
Doubled 150' rope for first pitch
Andrew Joslin:
Lookdown from 60' (approx.)
Andrew Joslin:
Lookdown from 70' (approx.)
Andrew Joslin:
Lookdown from 80' (approx.)
Andrew Joslin:
Main rope and lanyard at the harness attachment
Andrew Joslin:
Main rope below, adjustable lanyard above, highest pitch
Andrew Joslin:
Leaf ID? Looks red oak but the bark looks pin oak
Andrew Joslin:
Leaf ID? Looks red oak but the bark looks pin oak
Andrew Joslin:
Hive opening from above
Andrew Joslin:
Hive opening from above
Andrew Joslin:
Hive opening from limbwalk
Andrew Joslin:
Hive opening from limbwalk zoomed in
Andrew Joslin:
Golden hour at the top
Andrew Joslin:
Yet another reason why I climb
Andrew Joslin:
Raccoon on top of bittersweet vine on a smaller tree