nature_photonutt (Sue):
Three deer pileup!
nature_photonutt (Sue):
The bandit is back!
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Into the wild blue yonder!
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Rough-legged hawk (dark phase)
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Tin man- (for Ric) *LARGE
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Mallard lifting off from a pond (Male)
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Wood duck (Male)
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Sandhill cranes return!
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Hawk (unknown juvenile possibly Broad Winged)
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Mallard in pond (Male)
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Sandhiill Crane.. roadside
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Ruffed grouse
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Broad Winged hawk
nature_photonutt (Sue):
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Purple finch (male)
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Phoebe (Fly-catcher family)
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Trillium in woods
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Wild Columbine
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Holding back the debris..
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Pretty hearts all in a row! : )
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Wily coyote!
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Crabapple and Shed
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Northern harrier, male
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Northern harrier,male, with mouse. (LARGE)
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Apple blossoms
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Hooded merganser (female)
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Pink Lady Slipper (Moccacin Flower)
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Wild Elk and calf
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Elk and calf walking
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Bobolink on rusty fence