nature_photonutt (Sue):
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Barred owl .. PhotoShop
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Kita .. PhotoShop
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Bear with me.. I'm off for a bit. See you when I get back! Remember.. Please don't feed the bear! : )
nature_photonutt (Sue):
True North Strong and Free!
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Eagle face
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Playing in PhotoShop
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Year end tribute to Bob for the many things he does!
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Another year, just around the bend!
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Wood duck (Male)
nature_photonutt (Sue):
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Where's Waldo (Updated to include hat for Ric)
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Photoshop alert! : )
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Off the web.... (Message)
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Watch out for things that go bump in the night!
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Are you ready?
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Quick ID information
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Happy Canada Day 2020!
nature_photonutt (Sue):
To all my American friends and family...
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Porcupine set
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Thanksgiving Escape!
nature_photonutt (Sue):
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Ruffed Grouse (Extreme closeup)
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Comma Butterfly Wings Open (2d. of 2 photos)
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Trophy Shot!
nature_photonutt (Sue):
I wonder what's on the other side?!
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Happy Canada Day!
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Bob Checks Out Vintage Cars (Large)
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Fright Night!
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Christmas Wishes