nature_photonutt (Sue):
Winterberry (AKA Canadian Holly)
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Last Wild Roses of the Season
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Hummingbird Through Window
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Hummingbird through window (female)
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Tiger Lily
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Heron Fishing
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Hummingbird on Runner Beans
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Hummingbird 2
nature_photonutt (Sue):
You Still Out There?! (See previous 3)
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nature_photonutt (Sue):
Young Great Blue Heron Leaving *See previous shot
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Young Great Blue Heron (...and another back story for anyone interested)
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Canadian Thistle
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Joe-Pye Weed beside Potomac River
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Loosestrife and Tansy (Lakeside)
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American Bittern (Large for detail 1 of 2)
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Himalayan Balsam (in the Jewelweed family)
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nature_photonutt (Sue):
Black Eyed Susan
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Scarlet Runner Beans
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Bee Crawling into Scarlet Runner Flower (Large)
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Bee Balm (AKA Monarda, Bergamot)
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nature_photonutt (Sue):
Skipper on Bird's Foot Trefoil
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Bee Bomber!
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Sundew on Sunken Log (Large for detail.)
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Masses of Wild Roses (Large)
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Fragrant Water Lily
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Dragonfly Perched.. Pond Life
nature_photonutt (Sue):
Close-up Wild Rose