Natural Solitude: friendly kitty
Natural Solitude: friendly kitty
Natural Solitude: lady and dog
Natural Solitude: Neighborhood Sweetheart
Natural Solitude: out for a ride
Natural Solitude: Poor Dextar
Natural Solitude: sporty conehead
Natural Solitude: Nash Creek
Natural Solitude: Yellow Dog Plains
Natural Solitude: Yellow Dog Plains
Natural Solitude: Yvonne and Akia
Natural Solitude: Super Duper Pooper Cooper (crop)
Natural Solitude: Cooper...sit!
Natural Solitude: Look at the camera, Coop
Natural Solitude: Good boy, Cooper
Natural Solitude: Is Patches reading the newspaper?
Natural Solitude: This would be so cute if only...
Natural Solitude: ACK! It's a scary Monster!