island native: looking out to sea at low tide.
island native: 2017 Garlic Harvest
island native: garlic soup
island native: on my windowsill today
island native: veggie pick today
island native: on Iron Point today ~ North Haven, Maine
island native: sailing ships and turbines.
island native: garden pick today.
island native: my tangle of a cottage garden.
island native: monarch
island native: monarch
island native: food from the garden
island native: food from the garden
island native: food from the garden
island native: food from the garden
island native: food from the garden
island native: trimming the harvest
island native: trimming the harvest
island native: trimming the harvest
island native: trimming the garlic harvest
island native: moth on rudbeckia
island native: Maine Sour Mustard Pickles
island native: taking a bow
island native: on the kitchen windowsill ~ night view.
island native: China aster
island native: as the new 'Big House' grows!!
island native: as the new 'Big House' grows!!
island native: as the new 'Big House' grows!!
island native: as the new 'Big House' grows!!