National Museums Scotland: Olga intro slide
National Museums Scotland: Root & Route - 'A tree' by Evie (age 6)
National Museums Scotland: Root & Route - 'Inspired by the Fantastic Flight gallery & Shelia Scott', by Jacob (age 11)
National Museums Scotland: Root & Route - 'Rootling Among the Roots' by Valerie
National Museums Scotland: Root & Route 'What My Favourite Garden Would Look Like', by Anna (age 11)
National Museums Scotland: Root & Route - 'Skeleton Romance' by Karen
National Museums Scotland: Susannah intro slide
National Museums Scotland: Root & Route - 'The Pilot - Head in the clouds', by Molly (age 16)
National Museums Scotland: Root & Route - A stag by Arona
National Museums Scotland: Gloria - Side View of a Coo - Inspired during the route we took to Comrie
National Museums Scotland: Root & Route 'Wopsie and William' by Scott
National Museums Scotland: Root & Route 'ROOT AND ROUTE DRESS' by Candice