National Museums Scotland: T. rex (1 of a triptych)
National Museums Scotland: Chess piece (2 of a triptych)
National Museums Scotland: Mask (3 of a triptych)
National Museums Scotland: Galloway Hoard melon
National Museums Scotland: Japanese gourd (1 of 3)
National Museums Scotland: Japanese gourd (2 of 3)
National Museums Scotland: Japanese gourd (3 of 3)
National Museums Scotland: Horror pumpkin of doom
National Museums Scotland: Extinction Hell
National Museums Scotland: Hannya (1 of 2)
National Museums Scotland: Hannya (2 of 2)
National Museums Scotland: Toil and trouble
National Museums Scotland: Toil and trouble
National Museums Scotland: Dolly the Pumpkin
National Museums Scotland: Dolly the Pumpkin and Pumpkin Pie Lambs
National Museums Scotland: Tyrannosaurus Pumpkin
National Museums Scotland: The Grand GHOULlery
National Museums Scotland: Evil Dolly the Sheep
National Museums Scotland: Alexander NEEPeden
National Museums Scotland: Winking pumpkin
National Museums Scotland: Smiling pumpkin
National Museums Scotland: Treacherous trio