National Museums Scotland: Bobby the gorilla makes a move
National Museums Scotland: The orangutan gets some special treatment
National Museums Scotland: Behind the scenes at Monkey Business
National Museums Scotland: Lemur le merrier... Monkey Business
National Museums Scotland: Behind the scenes of Monkey Business
National Museums Scotland: Bobby the gorilla prepares for his time in the spotlight Monkey Business
National Museums Scotland: The Monkey Business salon
National Museums Scotland: The Monkey Business salon
National Museums Scotland: Preparing the colobus monkey for his close up
National Museums Scotland: Monkey Business curator Dr Andrew Kitchener, with friend
National Museums Scotland: Welcome to Monkey Business
National Museums Scotland: The Monkey Business family tree
National Museums Scotland: Welcome to the jungle
National Museums Scotland: Interactive in Monkey Business
National Museums Scotland: Bobby the gorilla is one of the stars of Monkey Business
National Museums Scotland: Release your inner monkey on the Monkey Business climbing frame
National Museums Scotland: Jungle cinema at Monkey Business
National Museums Scotland: Fishing for termites in the Monkey Business exhibition
National Museums Scotland: Monkey Business
National Museums Scotland: Films help set the scene Monkey Business
National Museums Scotland: Macaque, one of over 60 specimens in Monkey Business
National Museums Scotland: Monkeying around with the orangutan in Monkey Business