National Museums Scotland: Croft near Loch Eport, North Uist, Inverness-shire in 1970.
National Museums Scotland: Fifie, 'Trustful', Gourdon, Kincardineshire, 1974
National Museums Scotland: Gannets on the rocks at Sula Sgeir, Ross-shire, c.1950s.
National Museums Scotland: A horse sale taking place at Perth, autumn 1955.
National Museums Scotland: Miss Macphail in her kitchen - living room, North Uist, Inverness-shire, 1970
National Museums Scotland: Mrs Calder preparing oat meal bannocks, Dunnet, Caithness, 1969
National Museums Scotland: Man and two women preparing fishing lines, c. 1890s
National Museums Scotland: The fields of a crofting community at Acharacle, Acharacle parish, Argyllshire, possibly in around 1920
National Museums Scotland: Horses and horsemen lined up at Ingliston, Perthshire, 1925