National Museums Scotland: Yup’ik dance mask, Nunivak Island, Alaska from the 1930s
National Museums Scotland: Mask from a Ghanaian Fancy Dress costume made by Donatus Archibald Acquandoh
National Museums Scotland: Death mask of Dolly the sheep
National Museums Scotland: Papier-mache mask of the 10-headed Demon king Ravanna fron Bengal
National Museums Scotland: Contemporary Buddhist Cham mask made in Ladakh by Nawang Tsering
National Museums Scotland: Japanese mask representing an old man
National Museums Scotland: Japanese mask representing the evil spirit Kaname-ishi
National Museums Scotland: Sri Lankan tovil ritual mask representing the symptoms of illness
National Museums Scotland: Sri Lankan tovil ritual mask representing the symptoms of illness
National Museums Scotland: Sri Lankan tovil ritual mask representing the symptoms of illness
National Museums Scotland: Sri Lankan tovil ritual mask representing the symptoms of illness
National Museums Scotland: Sri Lankan tovil ritual mask representing the symptoms of illness
National Museums Scotland: Sri Lankan tovil ritual mask representing the symptoms of illness
National Museums Scotland: Mask from an Egyptian Mummy
National Museums Scotland: Mask worn in Gelede masquerade by the Yoruba people, Nigeria
National Museums Scotland: Sri Lankan tovil ritual mask representing the symptoms of illness
National Museums Scotland: Horned spirit mask of the Ibo people, Midwestern State, Nigeria
National Museums Scotland: Mask of the Covenanter Alexander Peden
National Museums Scotland: Stag mask, part of a Buddhist Cham dance costume
National Museums Scotland: Yamantaka mask, part of a Buddhist Cham dance costume
National Museums Scotland: Skeleton mask, part of a Buddhist Cham dance costume
National Museums Scotland: Horned mask worn in Gelede masquerade by the Yoruba people, Nigeria
National Museums Scotland: Sri Lankan tovil ritual mask representing the symptoms of illness
National Museums Scotland: Bella Coola Frog Mask, made by Dwayne Simeon (Squamish/Kwakwaka'wakw), British Columbia, Canada