National Museums Scotland: Mairi the Clydesdale
National Museums Scotland: Terracotta tomb figure
National Museums Scotland: Scots Dumpy chicks
National Museums Scotland: Mairi the Clydesdale
National Museums Scotland: Indian dagger handle
National Museums Scotland: Aztec pottery dog from Mexico
National Museums Scotland: Pied Tamarin from Brazil
National Museums Scotland: Mackenzie the calf
National Museums Scotland: Indian beetle head
National Museums Scotland: Daffy the Ayrshire calf
National Museums Scotland: Scots Dumpy chicks
National Museums Scotland: Egyptian statue
National Museums Scotland: Bison skeleton from USA
National Museums Scotland: Group of Tamworth piglets
National Museums Scotland: Scots Dumpy cockerel and hen
National Museums Scotland: Dolly the sheep
National Museums Scotland: Mairi and Bobby
National Museums Scotland: Rattle from USA
National Museums Scotland: Glass leopard slug
National Museums Scotland: Cramond Lioness
National Museums Scotland: Chinese incense burners