National Science and Media Museum: The prisoners receive precisely the same rations as our own troops
National Science and Media Museum: Many of the tanks put out of action were used as shelters for the wounded
National Science and Media Museum: Canadians advancing on our right were assisted by Tanks
National Science and Media Museum: "Gas." Australian troops with respirators on posed for the camera in the advance trench, Garter Point, 4th Division
National Science and Media Museum: Reserves passing through the tracks near Guillemont Farm
National Science and Media Museum: The gaps in the wire near Anvil Wood through which the 53rd Battn. rushed the machine gun posts on Aug 31st 1918 were death traps
National Science and Media Museum: Moving up a division of Australian troops. Reninghelst. 2nd Division
National Science and Media Museum: Terrible effects of our Artillery.Boche dead may be seen lying in the foreground. Sept 20 1918. 4th Division
National Science and Media Museum: Boche prisoners assist in bringing in Australian wounded
National Science and Media Museum: Hell Fire Corner on the Menin Road; a sticky place that's always taken at the trot
National Science and Media Museum: Digging in behind the outposts of the Hindenburg Line. 'D' Co, 45th Battn, near Ascension Farm
National Science and Media Museum: Supports going up after battle to relieve the front trenches, note the three observation balloons above the bright cloud
National Science and Media Museum: The morning of Aug.8th 1918. German prisoners just taken, returning in charge of a single Australian past their own burning dug-outs
National Science and Media Museum: "Wild Eye", the Souvenir King
National Science and Media Museum: Attending to wounded in German dugouts
National Science and Media Museum: Almost every bay of the communication sap from Pear trench to Hamel Village contained dead bodies of the enemy
National Science and Media Museum: Armoured car held up for a time on the main Harbonnieres Road by fallen trees
National Science and Media Museum: A shell burst in Glencourse Wood. Sept 20 1917
National Science and Media Museum: A trench in the low flat country near La Bassee Ville
National Science and Media Museum: A dug-out in the trench. They are usually about 25 feet deep and have two rooms beneath
National Science and Media Museum: After the battle. A scene on the Menin Road. Wounded waiting to be taken to the dressing stations.
National Science and Media Museum: A German Tank captured by Australians