National Library of New Zealand:
Life-saving drill, probably on unidentified Taranaki beach. ca 1920s-1930s
National Library of New Zealand:
St Clair (Dunedin) life-saving team competing in an event. 1944.
National Library of New Zealand:
Dominion life-saving championships, Lyall Bay, Wellington. 1950
National Library of New Zealand:
Dominion life-saving championships, Lyall Bay, Wellington. 1950
National Library of New Zealand:
Australian Lifesavers in an Australian vs. New Zealand lifesaving competition, Titahi Bay, Wellington. ca 19 Feb 1950
National Library of New Zealand:
Dominion lifesaving championships, Lyall Bay, Wellington. 1950
National Library of New Zealand:
Dominion lifesaving championships, Lyall Bay, Wellington. 1950
National Library of New Zealand:
Surf lifesaving club team members with catamaran, Waihi Beach. ca 1918
National Library of New Zealand:
Lifesavers in the Australian vs New Zealand competition, Titahi Bay, Wellington. 1950
National Library of New Zealand:
Group of girls practicing a life-saving technique. ca 1910s
National Library of New Zealand:
Dominion lifesaving championships, Lyall Bay, Wellington. 1950
National Library of New Zealand:
New Zealand surf lifesavers. 1950