National Galleries of Scotland Commons: Switzerland. Down by Lake Lucerne
National Galleries of Scotland Commons: A Load of Reindeer, for Klondyke
National Galleries of Scotland Commons: State Street, Chicago Ill., USA State Street, Chicago
National Galleries of Scotland Commons: The Boatman Somewhat Rattled
National Galleries of Scotland Commons: Bridge and Falls on the Line of the Erie Railroad
National Galleries of Scotland Commons: Fallen Monarch, Mariposa Grove. Yosemite Valley
National Galleries of Scotland Commons: Deck of the Chicora, on Lake Ontario
National Galleries of Scotland Commons: Falls From Suspension Bridge, Niagara
National Galleries of Scotland Commons: Jenkins Crossing Niagra River on Velocipede
National Galleries of Scotland Commons: Signorina Maria Spelterini, Crossing Niagra Rapids
National Galleries of Scotland Commons: Deck View, Steamer Mosel
National Galleries of Scotland Commons: The Boatman Somewhat Rattled
National Galleries of Scotland Commons: In the Heart of Modern Babylon, Piccadilly Circus, London
National Galleries of Scotland Commons: King Street, Toronto, Canada
National Galleries of Scotland Commons: Regent Street, London, England's Famous Shopping Street
National Galleries of Scotland Commons: Loch Katrine, Scotland - "The Spot an Angel Deigned to Grace" - Scott
National Galleries of Scotland Commons: Dumbarton Rock and Castle
National Galleries of Scotland Commons: Looking through the Great Forth Bridge (8,300 feet long), Scotland
National Galleries of Scotland Commons: On the Promenade, Brooklyn Bridge, New York
National Galleries of Scotland Commons: Wanona, as We Drove Through it, Mariposa Grove, California, USA
National Galleries of Scotland Commons: General View from Suspension Bridge, Niagara Falls, USA
National Galleries of Scotland Commons: On the Thames at Greenwich - Departure of the Boat
National Galleries of Scotland Commons: Scotland's Pride - The Great Forth Bridge and the Highland Kilt
National Galleries of Scotland Commons: Bringing up Reserve Ammunition - A Tribute to the Munition Workers
National Galleries of Scotland Commons: Scotland's Pride - The Great Forth Bridge and the Highland Kilt
National Galleries of Scotland Commons: Bringing up Reserve Ammunition - A Tribute to the Munition Workers
National Galleries of Scotland Commons: A Battery of Royal Field Artillery Crossing a Bridge at Eventide