National Library of Norway:
Fjord i Vest! Fra Braskerudflya 1899
National Library of Norway:
"Fram" 17. mai 1899
National Library of Norway:
"Fram" i vinterkvarter
National Library of Norway:
Vestsiden av Ricestredet / On the Western side of the Rice Strait, 1899
National Library of Norway:
Leir i drivisen, ca. 1898/1899 / Camp in the drift ice, ca. 1898/1899
National Library of Norway:
Ove Braskeruds minnesmerke / The memorial of Ove Braskerud
National Library of Norway:
Edvard Bay på vakt, 1900
National Library of Norway:
Vardebygging på nordspissen av Axel Heiberg Land, 1900
National Library of Norway:
Pearyekspedisjonens skip, "Windward" / The Peary expedition's ship, "Windward"
National Library of Norway:
Ruin av hus bygget av stein og hvalbein, 1899 / Ruin of a house built of stone and whale bones, 1899
National Library of Norway:
Landskap fra 2. Framferd / Landscape 2. Fram expedition
National Library of Norway:
"Fram" på 2. Framferd / "Fram" 2nd Fram expedition
National Library of Norway:
Fra 2. Framekspedisjon / From the 2nd Fram expedition