National Library of Norway: Norges Høitidstund er kommen : Grundloven oplæses
National Library of Norway: Enige og Tro indtil Dovre falder : Rigsforsamligen danner Broderkæde
National Library of Norway: Dengang vort eget Land vi tok av hundredaarig Is og Harme : Grundloven underskrives
National Library of Norway: Fædrelandssang, 1914
National Library of Norway: Norges jubilæum 1814-1914
National Library of Norway: Norges jubilæum 1814-1914
National Library of Norway: Til Minde om Rigsforsamlingen paa Eidsvold 1814, 1914
National Library of Norway: Norges Grundlov 1814 Frihed Lighed Broderskab, 1914
National Library of Norway: Gud signe vort dyre Fædreland : Seiersbudet ved Traastadsund 1814
National Library of Norway: Frognersætren 17de Mai 1864
National Library of Norway: Norges Jubileum 1814-1914
National Library of Norway: 1814 - Norges 100 Aars Jubilæum - 1914
National Library of Norway: Norges Grundlov 1814-1914
National Library of Norway: Norges 1914 Jubilæum
National Library of Norway: Norges Jubilæum 1814-1914
National Library of Norway: Norges Jubilæum 1814-1914
National Library of Norway: Jubilæumsaaret 1914
National Library of Norway: Enig og Tro til Dovre falder
National Library of Norway: Norges 100 Aar Jubilæum, 1814-1914 : Eidsvoldsbygningen
National Library of Norway: Enig og Tro til Dovre falder 1814
National Library of Norway: Norges Jubileum 1814-1914
National Library of Norway: 1814-1914 Leve Norge!
National Library of Norway: For Frihet, for Norskhet, for Norge, Hurra, 1814-1914
National Library of Norway: Norges 1914 Jubileum
National Library of Norway: Norges 100 Aar Jubilæum : Eidsvoldsbygningen
National Library of Norway: Norges Jubilæum 1914 : Fredrikssten Fæstning