National Library of Norway: 742 (95). Where gigantic Ice-masses from the Hardanger glacier melt to form the Rembesdals Lake, Norway
National Library of Norway: 724 (56). Travellers lingering for a frolic with July snowballs, on road over the Haukeli mountains, Norway
National Library of Norway: 696 (96). People of the frigid North - Lapp home and family, in the Tromsdal, near Tromsoe, N. Norway
National Library of Norway: 694 (94). Picturesque Svolvaer, a far north (68 1/3° N. Lat.) fishing station, Lofoten Islands, N. Norway
National Library of Norway: 662 (63). Fisherman arranging salmon nets at Balestrand on the Sognefjord - Balholm in distance, Norway
National Library of Norway: 660 (59). Gudvangen's outlook over the Naerofjord where the sea reaches far in among the mountains, Norway
National Library of Norway: 650 (49). In the great market-place of busy Bergen, from flower market N. to the fish market, Norway
National Library of Norway: 648 (48). Bergen, west from the Floifjeld, over the harbor (right) and Puddefjord (distand), Norway
National Library of Norway: 606 (4). Christiania's largest market, Norway
National Library of Norway: 628 (28). Digging a road through the deep July snow-drifts upon Dyreskard Pass (3715 ft.), Norway
National Library of Norway: 627 (27). Gossip at a wayside inn at Botten, overlooking the Voxil Lake-view toward Haukeli Mts., Norway
National Library of Norway: 684 (85). Zigzags of the famous Grjotlid road - mountain milk maids along the way near Marok, Norway
National Library of Norway: 682 (82). A Laplander family and sledge dog - outside their summer home - on a hillside in Norway
National Library of Norway: 678 (76). Mountain-walled Loen Lake - unrivalled in beauty and grandeur - from Seten farm, Norway
National Library of Norway: 674 (74). Among mountains and chasms of ice - enormous crevasses of Brigsdal glacier, Norway
National Library of Norway: 672 (72). Perilous Brigsdal Glacier, one of the grandest in all Norway
National Library of Norway: 665 (71). A Nordfjord bride and groom with guests and parents at their house door, Brigsdal, Norway
National Library of Norway: 609 (2). Leaving old home and friends - waving goodbyes to emigrants starting for America, Christiania, Norway
National Library of Norway: Henrik Ibsen, 1905
National Library of Norway: Ved hjemkomsten fra Nordpolekspedisjonen.
National Library of Norway: (7) 608 Old Viking ship - explorer of northern seas and burial boat of Norse chief, Christiania, Norway [stereofotografi]
National Library of Norway: Lapps and their Reindeer, in the rugged hills of the Tromsdal, near Tromsoe (69 deg. 38 min. N. Lat.), Northern Norway
National Library of Norway: Series 1894. Lapps at Home, Herjedalan, North Sweden
National Library of Norway: 258. / V25633 A Lapland Family and Their Summer Home on a Hillside in Norway
National Library of Norway: 101 / V 15790 T. People of the Frigid North - Lapp Home and Family near Tromsoe, Norway