National Library of Norway:
Læsesalen i Læseforening for Kvinder, Parkveien 62
National Library of Norway:
Fernanda Nissen med en gruppe uidentifiserte kvinner som strikker
National Library of Norway:
Nordisk kvinnekongress, Oslo 1902.
National Library of Norway:
Suffrage Alliance Congress, London 1909
National Library of Norway:
Landskvinnestemmerettsforeningens møte på Lillehammer
National Library of Norway:
Norwegian delegates, I. C. W., Niagara Falls, Canada, May 1st. 1925
National Library of Norway:
Dinner to the delegations of Denmark, Norway, Sweden to the International Labor Conference by the American Scandinavian Foundation, 1919
National Library of Norway:
Luncheon in honor of Norwegian delegation to the Sixth Quinquennial International Conference of Women, Grace Dodge Hotel, Wash. D.C. May 12, 1925
National Library of Norway:
Internasjonale, kvinnelige akademikere 1924
National Library of Norway:
Møte i Norges Godtemplar Ungdomsforbund, 1913
National Library of Norway:
Det internasjonale kvinneråds møte, Stortinget, ca 1920
National Library of Norway:
Det internasjonale kvinneråds møte, Stortinget, ca 1920
National Library of Norway:
Utlånsrommet / biblioteket i Læseforening for Kvinder, Parkveien 62
National Library of Norway:
Læseforening for Kvinder
National Library of Norway:
Utlånsrommet / biblioteket i Læseforening for Kvinder, Parkveien 62