National Archives of Estonia:
Vanahärra Schwarzbeckshofi mõisas / Elderly gentleman in Schwarzbeckshof manor (Latvia) - 1908
National Archives of Estonia:
Naine kahe lapsega Holdre mõisa aias Õhne jõel aerutamas / Woman rowing with children on Õhne river in the garden of Holdre manor
National Archives of Estonia:
Guido Maydell Teenuse mõisas mesipuud tühjendamas, enne 1913 / Guido Maydell harvesting honey in Teenuse manor, before 1913
National Archives of Estonia:
Marie, Käthe, Else Maydell koos sõbrannaga Teenusel kändudel istumas / Marie, Käthe, Else Maydell with their friend sitting on tree stumps in Teenuse manor
National Archives of Estonia:
Eveline Maydelli onu Costi ja tädi Emsi Wildungenis jalutamas / Eveline Maydell's uncle Costi and aunt Emsi walking in Wildungen - 1919
National Archives of Estonia:
Tüdruk Teenuse mõisas diivanil istumas, toolil rebasetopis / Little girl sitting on a sofa in Teenuse manor with a stuffed fox on a chair
National Archives of Estonia:
Eveline (Elly) Rennenkampff fotoalbumit vaatamas / Eveline (Elly) Rennenkampff with photo album
National Archives of Estonia:
Felix Frank koos kaaslasega jahisaaki demonstreerimas / Felix Frank with his companion after a hunt showing their prey
National Archives of Estonia:
Claus Rosen koos naise ja lapsega jalgrattal / Claus Rosen giving his wife and child a ride on bicycle
National Archives of Estonia:
Erna Viola Olmstead õues raamatut lugemas / Erna Viola Olmstead reading a book outdoors
National Archives of Estonia:
Guido Maydell Stony Acresis maad kaevamas / Guido Maydell digging in Stony Acres
National Archives of Estonia:
Felix Frank ja jalgratastega poisid Hirschbergis Luft Hansa lennukit uurimas / Felix Frank and boys with bicycles looking at a Luft Hansa plane in Hirschberg, Poland
National Archives of Estonia:
Felix Frank puuvilja kooriva abikaasaga laua taga kaarte ladumas (1930ndad) / Felix Frank playing cards at the table with his wife peeling fruit (1930s)
National Archives of Estonia:
Reisijad laeva St.Louis tekil basseinis suplemas / Passengers swimming in pool on ship St Louis deck - 1929
National Archives of Estonia:
Felix Frank, Elinor Rosen ja Eveline Maydell Narva jõe ääres Jaanilinna kindluse taustal / Felix Frank, Elinor Rosen and Eveline Maydell on bank of Narva river with Ivangorod fortress in the background - 1936
National Archives of Estonia:
Leedi Elisabeth Harcourt Nuneham Parkis diivanil, koer põlvedel / Lady Elisabeth Harcourt in Nuneham Park with a dog on her lap
National Archives of Estonia:
Eveline Maydell koos tundmatu prouaga Stony Acresi maja rõdu ehitamist vaatamas/ Eveline Maydell with unknown woman looking at the building of terrace of Stony Acres house
National Archives of Estonia:
Supelkostüümis Guido Maydell koos seltskonnaga rannas / Guido Maydell with companions in bathing suits on the beach
National Archives of Estonia:
Guido Maydell koos kahe meesterahvaga rannas midagi (merikarpe?) korjamas / Guido Maydell with two men picking something on the beach (digging clams?)
National Archives of Estonia:
Guido Maydell riisumas kaabu ja ülikonnaga / Guido Maydell in suit and hat raking leaves
National Archives of Estonia:
Ilse Frank ja Erna Viola Olmstead Stony Acresi majas lõnga kerimas / Ilse Frank and Erna Viola Olmstead winding yarn in Stony Acres
National Archives of Estonia:
Ilse Frank koos kaaslastega kassile pannilt kaussi süüa tõstmas / Ilse Frank with friends serving food from fying pan to a cat bowl
National Archives of Estonia:
Ilse Frank peeglist iseennast pildistamas / Ilse Frank taking a photo of herself in a mirror
National Archives of Estonia:
Kaks naisterahvast ja meesterahvas suuskadel / Two women and a man on skis