NatiLady: Red Hibiscus
NatiLady: Brunfelsia sp. Floral branch
NatiLady: Tabebuía Impetiginosa
NatiLady: Zantedeschia aethiopica and a bee
NatiLady: Mussaenda sp. Rubiaceae
NatiLady: Em perfeita harmonia
NatiLady: The shadow of your smile...
NatiLady: Dendrobium Hybrid
NatiLady: Cattleya forbesii
NatiLady: Delicada
NatiLady: Yellow Hibiscus & little bugs
NatiLady: Todas juntas!!! All Together!!
NatiLady: Phalaenopsis - These are very special =)
NatiLady: Taking my bit!
NatiLady: Phalaenopsis for quinta flower!
NatiLady: Almost like a reflection
NatiLady: Deep inside the Lily's heart
NatiLady: Justicia brandegeana ou camarão rs.
NatiLady: Hard to see... Difícil de enxergar...
NatiLady: Feels like poetry to me =)
NatiLady: Cattleya harrisoniana
NatiLady: Needing colours to cheer me up!!!
NatiLady: Hibiscus closer
NatiLady: This is a very tiny bonsai flower!!
NatiLady: Stapelia gigantea (Cactus flower)
NatiLady: Tagetes patula