Nathan Shepard: Lampropeltis getula
Nathan Shepard: Heterodon simus
Nathan Shepard: Ross with a Southern Hognose
Nathan Shepard: Crotalus horridus
Nathan Shepard: Crotalus horridus
Nathan Shepard: Agkistrodon piscivorus
Nathan Shepard: Sistrurus miliarius
Nathan Shepard: Sistrurus miliarius
Nathan Shepard: Sistrurus miliarius
Nathan Shepard: Masticophis flagellum
Nathan Shepard: Sistrurus miliarius
Nathan Shepard: Thamnophis sirtalis
Nathan Shepard: Lampropeltis calligaster rhombomaculata
Nathan Shepard: Hyla andersonii
Nathan Shepard: Lampropeltis calligaster rhombomaculata and I
Nathan Shepard: Hyla gratiosa (in-situ)
Nathan Shepard: Hyla femoralis (in-situ)
Nathan Shepard: Hyla femoralis (in-situ)
Nathan Shepard: Bufo terrestris (in-situ)
Nathan Shepard: Hyla gratiosa (in-situ)
Nathan Shepard: Hyla andersonii
Nathan Shepard: Gastrophryne carolinensis
Nathan Shepard: Lampropeltis getula
Nathan Shepard: Ambytoma mabeei
Nathan Shepard: Sarracenia flava and Anolis carolinensis
Nathan Shepard: Bufo quercicus
Nathan Shepard: Green Swamp Preserve
Nathan Shepard: Ursus americanus
Nathan Shepard: Farancia erytrogramma
Nathan Shepard: Farancia abacura