Nathan Shepard:
Imantodes lentiferus
Nathan Shepard:
Leptodactylus pentadactylus
Nathan Shepard:
Ambystoma mabeei
Nathan Shepard:
Heterodon simus (juv)
Nathan Shepard:
Heterodon platyrhinos (playing dead)
Nathan Shepard:
Phil with a Garter snake
Nathan Shepard:
Virginia valeriae
Nathan Shepard:
Imantodes head comparision
Nathan Shepard:
Heterodon simus
Nathan Shepard:
Pseudotriton montanus diastictus
Nathan Shepard:
Sistrurus m. miliarius
Nathan Shepard:
Osteocephalus cabrerei
Nathan Shepard:
Honda cruising that cane son!!
Nathan Shepard:
Ambystoma mabeei
Nathan Shepard:
Crotalus horridus
Nathan Shepard:
Hogfish Basket
Nathan Shepard:
Masticophis flagellum on the move [black and white]
Nathan Shepard:
Dipsas catesbyi [pair]
Nathan Shepard:
Kevin photographing a Nerodia clarkii compressicauda
Nathan Shepard:
Joe full throttle driving
Nathan Shepard:
Desmognathus quadramaculatus
Nathan Shepard:
Hyla gratiosa
Nathan Shepard:
Desmognathus monticola
Nathan Shepard:
Agkistrodon contortrix
Nathan Shepard:
Kevin photographing a Nerodia clarkii compressicauda
Nathan Shepard:
Plethodon cinereus
Nathan Shepard:
Sistrurus m. miliarius
Nathan Shepard:
Siphonops annulatus
Nathan Shepard:
Bothrocophias hyoprora (in-situ)
Nathan Shepard:
Controled Burning