Nathan Shepard:
Me observing a Crotalus horridus
Nathan Shepard:
Ross with an Imantodes cenchoa
Nathan Shepard:
Myself with a Masticophis flagellum
Nathan Shepard:
Nerodia erythrogaster
Nathan Shepard:
Kevin comparing sizes with his captured specimen
Nathan Shepard:
Self portrait with myself and a Sistrurus miliarius miliarius
Nathan Shepard:
Self portrait with Mud snakes and associated habitat
Nathan Shepard:
Self portrait with Mud snakes and associated habitat
Nathan Shepard:
Ross and a pair of Dipsas catesbyi
Nathan Shepard:
Ross has his dand in the Trachemys scripta pile
Nathan Shepard:
Ross has his hand in the Trachemys scripta pile
Nathan Shepard:
Heterodon Ross
Nathan Shepard:
Mike with his prize: Lampropeltis t. triangulum
Nathan Shepard:
Mike with his prize: Lampropeltis t. triangulum
Nathan Shepard:
Mike with his prize: Lampropeltis t. triangulum
Nathan Shepard:
Phil with a Garter snake
Nathan Shepard:
Kevin with a pair of Lampropeltis getula holbrooki
Nathan Shepard:
Crotaphytus collaris and I
Nathan Shepard:
Lampropeltis triangulum syspila
Nathan Shepard:
Kevin with saved a Pituophis catenifer sayi
Nathan Shepard:
Kevin posing with a Regal Horned Lizard
Nathan Shepard:
Kevin with Sauromalus ater
Nathan Shepard:
Kevin with a Clonophis kirtlandii
Nathan Shepard:
Jonsey with Ophisaurus ventralis
Nathan Shepard:
Chelydra serpentina
Nathan Shepard:
Crotalus horridus #3 of the night
Nathan Shepard:
Mike with his first Bog Turtle
Nathan Shepard:
Masticophis flagellum
Nathan Shepard:
Ross with a Clelia clelia
Nathan Shepard:
Herping with Sarah