Nathan Shepard: Micrurus lemniscatus helleri
Nathan Shepard: Dipsas catesbyi [pair] color
Nathan Shepard: Dipsas catesbyi [pair] Black and white
Nathan Shepard: Dipsas catesbyi [pair]
Nathan Shepard: Bolitoglossa peruviana
Nathan Shepard: Oreobates quixensis
Nathan Shepard: Ross and Dustin with an Imantodes cenchoa
Nathan Shepard: Imantodes cenchoa 'posed'
Nathan Shepard: Leptodactylus wagneri
Nathan Shepard: Ross with an Imantodes cenchoa
Nathan Shepard: Leptodactylus pentadactylus
Nathan Shepard: Osteocephalus cabrerei
Nathan Shepard: Leptodactylus [=Lithodytes] lineatus
Nathan Shepard: Rather large cricket
Nathan Shepard: Catapillar
Nathan Shepard: Imantodes cenchoa
Nathan Shepard: Getting hype for herping!
Nathan Shepard: Quito - View from hostel window
Nathan Shepard: Quito - View from hostel window
Nathan Shepard: Helicops angulatus
Nathan Shepard: Hypsiboas geographica
Nathan Shepard: Pristimantis ockdeni (in-situ)
Nathan Shepard: Bolitoglossa perviana (in-situ)
Nathan Shepard: Ross and a pair of Dipsas catesbyi
Nathan Shepard: Ross and a pair of Dipsas catesbyi
Nathan Shepard: 1st Micrurus leminiscatus of the trip...
Nathan Shepard: Insects molt too...
Nathan Shepard: Anolis trachyderma (in-situ)
Nathan Shepard: Anolis trachyderma (in-situ)
Nathan Shepard: Osteocephlus sp. (in-situ)