Nathan Jacobs: Schlieren 1
Nathan Jacobs: Schlieren 2
Nathan Jacobs: Schlieren 3
Nathan Jacobs: Short duration flash
Nathan Jacobs: shadowgraph
Nathan Jacobs: Short duration flash
Nathan Jacobs: Short duration flash
Nathan Jacobs: Photomacrography
Nathan Jacobs: Birefringence
Nathan Jacobs: photoelastic stress
Nathan Jacobs: Birefringence
Nathan Jacobs: photoelastic stress
Nathan Jacobs: photoelastic stress
Nathan Jacobs: SEM sodium bi-carbonate
Nathan Jacobs: ESEM ant head
Nathan Jacobs: Photomacrography
Nathan Jacobs: Photomacrography
Nathan Jacobs: Harmonogram
Nathan Jacobs: Instability of smoke
Nathan Jacobs: Instability of smoke
Nathan Jacobs: Instability of smoke
Nathan Jacobs: Copy of birefringence 2
Nathan Jacobs: Copy of harmonogram
Nathan Jacobs: short duration ready for dart 2
Nathan Jacobs: IMG_0022_1
Nathan Jacobs: photomac 1
Nathan Jacobs: Copy of ESEM head lice colour
Nathan Jacobs: ESEM hover fly (Ischiodon scutellaris)
Nathan Jacobs: Copy of house fly Musca domestica