San Diego Shooter: Trisha and Brian's Wedding
San Diego Shooter: IMG_4184
San Diego Shooter: Tamara and Shawn
San Diego Shooter: Aunt Tammy lighting the candle
San Diego Shooter: Confident and ready to be married
San Diego Shooter: Confident and ready to be married
San Diego Shooter: Confident and ready to be married
San Diego Shooter: Confident and ready to be married
San Diego Shooter: Brian showing some emotion before his beautiful bride appears
San Diego Shooter: Catholic Priest
San Diego Shooter: Brian showing some emotion before his beautiful bride appears
San Diego Shooter: IMG_4201
San Diego Shooter: Garth and Stacy
San Diego Shooter: IMG_4207
San Diego Shooter: IMG_4209
San Diego Shooter: IMG_4211
San Diego Shooter: Cute little kids
San Diego Shooter: Randy and Trisha
San Diego Shooter: Randy and Trisha
San Diego Shooter: Randy and Trisha
San Diego Shooter: Trisha the beautiful bride
San Diego Shooter: Kneeling before the Priest
San Diego Shooter: Dad giving his speech
San Diego Shooter: Dad giving his speech
San Diego Shooter: Wedding Atmosphere
San Diego Shooter: IMG_4234
San Diego Shooter: Father of the Bride
San Diego Shooter: Love under God