nathaniel s: watchin the telly in my chair, like grandpa phil
nathaniel s: nice hot bath after a long flight....
nathaniel s: i'll miss you granny
nathaniel s: this bag thing is genetic
nathaniel s: scary family portrait
nathaniel s: too much licking!
nathaniel s: daddy, my poopies fell
nathaniel s: granny hil
nathaniel s: i know it's mommy's birthday, but y'all can't HELP but attention to me
nathaniel s: old friends - marcus and nathaniel
nathaniel s: gemma! (my brother, michel the cat's, new mommy)
nathaniel s: the godfather
nathaniel s: we look cute together
nathaniel s: coll and matt at the Met
nathaniel s: colleen and matt, at their restaurant
nathaniel s: auntie monique, marc, etc, at zoo lake
nathaniel s: IIIIIce
nathaniel s: granny hilary
nathaniel s: gerhard and maja marx, jill ross showing them how to read
nathaniel s: granny, look, it's ADO
nathaniel s: ADO! (all domestic animals share a name with my granny jeanette's cat)
nathaniel s: heee, ado!
nathaniel s: our johannesburg home with "bree" and "zhhhh"
nathaniel s: artists are funny (kathryn smith)
nathaniel s: i'll miss you, OWIE
nathaniel s: cape town wears me out, dude. it's the mountain.
nathaniel s: upstanding lady
nathaniel s: hanging with the aged P's - my cape grann'rents
nathaniel s: rapture! (by blondie)
nathaniel s: gran kath