Nathan Gill: 20 seconds later
Nathan Gill: Looming steel
Nathan Gill: Mandatory sunset by the water shot
Nathan Gill: Knopp family
Nathan Gill: Fukinagashi
Nathan Gill: Rainy night
Nathan Gill: Water water all around...
Nathan Gill: Brakes
Nathan Gill: The moon over Watkins
Nathan Gill: A study on trains in pixels.
Nathan Gill: Forget something?
Nathan Gill: Big sky
Nathan Gill: Red Box
Nathan Gill: Knopp Family Redux
Nathan Gill: Looming Steel Redux
Nathan Gill: I used to call it Autumn
Nathan Gill: I used to call it Autumn
Nathan Gill: I used to call it Autumn
Nathan Gill: The ships hung in the sky in much the same way...
Nathan Gill: I used to call it Autumn
Nathan Gill: Yep. It's a wall.
Nathan Gill: Missississississ...