nathanbrown: Some Rock.
nathanbrown: Trail!
nathanbrown: Walkway II
nathanbrown: A Rock.
nathanbrown: Walkway I
nathanbrown: Right.
nathanbrown: Eagle's Head
nathanbrown: Church Wall
nathanbrown: Mailbox
nathanbrown: "The Two Sisters"
nathanbrown: Hilltop Church
nathanbrown: Black Bart's SteakHouse Roof
nathanbrown: Pine View
nathanbrown: A Bench!
nathanbrown: GC III
nathanbrown: Guarding the Giant Hole.
nathanbrown: Tourists.
nathanbrown: Ol' Fort.
nathanbrown: GC VII
nathanbrown: MiGookEe
nathanbrown: GC VIII
nathanbrown: Ol' Preacher McPastorson
nathanbrown: Hand to God