pwtphotography (Nathan): Flight of the Geese
pwtphotography (Nathan): Would Someone Close the Blinds
pwtphotography (Nathan): Snow Goose with Canadian Geese
pwtphotography (Nathan): 03_16_09 Hoary Redpoll
pwtphotography (Nathan): Ringed-necked Duck and Bufflehead
pwtphotography (Nathan): Common Redpolls
pwtphotography (Nathan): Common Redpoll
pwtphotography (Nathan): Common Redpoll
pwtphotography (Nathan): 05_18_09 American Redstart
pwtphotography (Nathan): Great Crested Flycatcher
pwtphotography (Nathan): Blackpoll Warbler
pwtphotography (Nathan): Warbling Vireo
pwtphotography (Nathan): 06_27_09 Great-crested Flycatcher
pwtphotography (Nathan): Yellow Goatsbeard
pwtphotography (Nathan): Spotted Touh Me Not
pwtphotography (Nathan): Galaxy in the Pond
pwtphotography (Nathan): 08_23_09 Attack of the Blackbirds
pwtphotography (Nathan): Nature 365 - Day 52
pwtphotography (Nathan): 05_16_10 Rose-breasted Grosbeak
pwtphotography (Nathan): Nature 365 - Day 128
pwtphotography (Nathan): Nature 365 - Day 136
pwtphotography (Nathan): 06_12_10 Swamp Sparrow
pwtphotography (Nathan): 06_14_10 Caspian Tern
pwtphotography (Nathan): Pearl Cresent on Daisy