piPhotos: The Beginnings
piPhotos: In the beginning...
piPhotos: Partition wall removed...
piPhotos: Floorboards up...
piPhotos: Floor insulation down
piPhotos: Underfloor heating pipes laid
piPhotos: New window in...
piPhotos: New partition wall started...
piPhotos: Wall finished...
piPhotos: Underfloor heating gubbins...
piPhotos: Plastered...
piPhotos: Ceiling ripped off
piPhotos: More pipes...
piPhotos: Frames for the sliding doors
piPhotos: Sliding door frame, sliding into the dividing wall
piPhotos: Wall finished
piPhotos: Bookshelves
piPhotos: Cupboard construction
piPhotos: Another DIY Milestone
piPhotos: Unfinished Finishing Touch
piPhotos: Purple Door