Nathan & Jenny: Getting down at story time
Nathan & Jenny: C and Gram on the Carousel
Nathan & Jenny: C and Gram on the carousel
Nathan & Jenny: C and Gram on the carousel
Nathan & Jenny: playing with M
Nathan & Jenny: holding hands with M in the car
Nathan & Jenny: Holding hands with M in the car
Nathan & Jenny: stairs are so much fun
Nathan & Jenny: getting ready to play in the fountains at the zoo
Nathan & Jenny: checking out the bears at the zoo
Nathan & Jenny: checking out the statues at the zoo
Nathan & Jenny: R & M at the tractor
Nathan & Jenny: Still not into the tractor.
Nathan & Jenny: She's not really into the tractor.
Nathan & Jenny: snack break at the zoo
Nathan & Jenny: snack break at the zoo
Nathan & Jenny: stroller twins!
Nathan & Jenny: Everyone loves the stroller!
Nathan & Jenny: chasing peacocks
Nathan & Jenny: Really? A sex toy t-shirt when chaperoning a field trip?
Nathan & Jenny: holding hands with L in the car
Nathan & Jenny: Girls night out
Nathan & Jenny: The carnage
Nathan & Jenny: Girls night out
Nathan & Jenny: Girls night out
Nathan & Jenny: Girls night out
Nathan & Jenny: C checking out the C shrine :)
Nathan & Jenny: boys on the bus
Nathan & Jenny: they gather like ducks for snacks!