Nathan & Jenny: Us at Sherwood Gardens
Nathan & Jenny: Christmas 2005
Nathan & Jenny: Christmas 2005
Nathan & Jenny: Christmas 2005
Nathan & Jenny: Breast Cancer Walk, Baltimore
Nathan & Jenny: Lots of walkers - all for Breast Cancer fundraising
Nathan & Jenny: Baltimore's Walk for the Cure
Nathan & Jenny: waiting for the Walk to begin
Nathan & Jenny: Great Falls
Nathan & Jenny: Great Falls 3
Nathan & Jenny: Great Falls 4
Nathan & Jenny: Great Falls pretty flower
Nathan & Jenny: Great Falls pretty flowers
Nathan & Jenny: Great Falls path
Nathan & Jenny: Nathan and Jenny in Baltimore
Nathan & Jenny: us in Delaware
Nathan & Jenny: us in Delaware
Nathan & Jenny: that's a lot of motorcycle cops!
Nathan & Jenny: seal release w/ OC mayor
Nathan & Jenny: Pensive shot
Nathan & Jenny: Stacey and Lauren
Nathan & Jenny: Molly, Celia, and me
Nathan & Jenny: working with the press
Nathan & Jenny: me, on camera
Nathan & Jenny: me, on camera
Nathan & Jenny: Jen, on camera
Nathan & Jenny: transport box
Nathan & Jenny: newspaper reporter
Nathan & Jenny: general chaos
Nathan & Jenny: watching the seal swim away