nathalie.cone: cory doesn't wanna get up
nathalie.cone: i love state fair lettering and type
nathalie.cone: hubby butts
nathalie.cone: now that's a hot dog
nathalie.cone: yum yum yum
nathalie.cone: marshmallow guns
nathalie.cone: men only (jacob's joke)
nathalie.cone: looks like the old bay label
nathalie.cone: ferris wheel
nathalie.cone: pretending to be an engagement photographer
nathalie.cone: posing in front of the cow
nathalie.cone: bears are serious business
nathalie.cone: fake nature is weird
nathalie.cone: he was trying to give this away
nathalie.cone: thanks, whit
nathalie.cone: maple cotton candy is really good
nathalie.cone: whit enoying the fluffy goodness
nathalie.cone: love this sign
nathalie.cone: sweet little thing
nathalie.cone: petting and feeding animals
nathalie.cone: sheep's balls
nathalie.cone: pretty horse
nathalie.cone: geese? ducks? i'm dumb
nathalie.cone: "look how cute that one is!"
nathalie.cone: duck with a 'fro
nathalie.cone: you, too, can also own your very own duck
nathalie.cone: cute bunny
nathalie.cone: cute bunny
nathalie.cone: demolition derby bleachers
nathalie.cone: piggies in T formation