nathalie.cone: cory and white zinfandel
nathalie.cone: on the iphone
nathalie.cone: awesome room
nathalie.cone: love this open kitchen
nathalie.cone: super cute knick-knacks
nathalie.cone: cory in the living room
nathalie.cone: super cool bar
nathalie.cone: cloud from the creative alliance
nathalie.cone: beautiful posters in the kitchen
nathalie.cone: age made out of bread
nathalie.cone: amazing pasta station
nathalie.cone: the finishing touches
nathalie.cone: chit-chatting
nathalie.cone: enjoying the wonderful food
nathalie.cone: we hang out with older people a lot
nathalie.cone: luci's beautiful garden
nathalie.cone: chatting with luci
nathalie.cone: luci's friend's brother's dog
nathalie.cone: tipsy luci and kat