nathalie.cone: back entrance
nathalie.cone: cow butts
nathalie.cone: here, chick chick
nathalie.cone: deep fried anything
nathalie.cone: fair food
nathalie.cone: long ticket line
nathalie.cone: fireball + ferris wheel
nathalie.cone: medium ferris wheel
nathalie.cone: race track in the background
nathalie.cone: tippy tops of rides
nathalie.cone: cory in deep thought
nathalie.cone: nat + cory on the ferris wheel
nathalie.cone: through the ring of fire
nathalie.cone: lots of people
nathalie.cone: i'm a carnivore
nathalie.cone: people like fairs
nathalie.cone: i love meat
nathalie.cone: cliff hanger
nathalie.cone: the zipper
nathalie.cone: biggest ferris wheel
nathalie.cone: cory on the ferris wheel
nathalie.cone: bird's eye view
nathalie.cone: that's what she said
nathalie.cone: xxxtreeeme swing
nathalie.cone: end of the day
nathalie.cone: getting ready to swing
nathalie.cone: spinny swings
nathalie.cone: drop of doom
nathalie.cone: giddy for more rides