nathalie.cone: hey chris
nathalie.cone: hey ben
nathalie.cone: hey cory
nathalie.cone: on the road
nathalie.cone: bonfire on a cold night
nathalie.cone: playing with the fire
nathalie.cone: bonfire on a cold night
nathalie.cone: ben playing with fire
nathalie.cone: mary makes a funny face
nathalie.cone: which one shall i choose
nathalie.cone: everyone who was there
nathalie.cone: going kayaking
nathalie.cone: getting ready for takeoff
nathalie.cone: there's something in the woods
nathalie.cone: chris making a weird face
nathalie.cone: get out of my way, nat
nathalie.cone: ben's new myspace picture
nathalie.cone: ben being a badass
nathalie.cone: the boys
nathalie.cone: cory and ben kayaking
nathalie.cone: ben, jon, and megan
nathalie.cone: me kayaking
nathalie.cone: dave grills like a madman
nathalie.cone: ben and chris wii-ing
nathalie.cone: megan giving cory a massage