nathalie_r: Protesters march around Arturo Di Modica's Charging Bull sculpture in the financial district of NYC.
nathalie_r: A masked protester takes a stand against 'capitalist pigs'.
nathalie_r: A woman campaigns for the release of the US soldier who leaked classified documents to WikiLeaks.
nathalie_r: Heather Pritchard, a 25-year-old MA student at the Hardvard Divinity School, travelled to NYC from Boston in order to 'bring hope and peace' to the protest.
nathalie_r: One of the repated slogans of the protest: 'revoke corporate personhood'.
nathalie_r: Proest organisers Justin Wedes and Alex Carvalho make an announcement.
nathalie_r: 'Political yoga' in Bowling Green Park.
nathalie_r: A 'political yoga' pose.
nathalie_r: A young man recites Allen Ginsberg's Howl to an appreciative audience.
nathalie_r: Caleb Maupin, 23, handed out copies of Workers World, with a cover story about a man on death row.
nathalie_r: 23-year-old 'Ben X', a first-time protester from New Jersey, does some banker-bashing.
nathalie_r: 'Edward T Hall the III' facilitates a 'people's assembly' outside the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian.
nathalie_r: Edward T Hall the III, the OWS celebrity.
nathalie_r: Many protesters said they were inspired by the revolts in the Arab world.
nathalie_r: Placards laid out in Zuccoti Park, a stone's throw from Wall Street. Some protesters do not seem to think much of their fellow Americans.
nathalie_r: Attendees at a 'people's assembly' in Zuccoti Park.
nathalie_r: Despite complaints about a 'media blackout', the Wall Street protests received widespread press coverage in mainstream and fringe outlets.
nathalie_r: The philosopher Slavoj Zizek at the General Assembly.
nathalie_r: The philosopher Slavoj Zizek at the General Assembly.
nathalie_r: "This is not a protest." Very Magritte.
nathalie_r: Angel umbrella.
nathalie_r: Stars, Stripes, Dog.
nathalie_r: Class war ahead - bring dogs.
nathalie_r: Hare Krishna drum circle.
nathalie_r: V for Vendetta.
nathalie_r: Printing slogans. Looks hip, but what does it mean?
nathalie_r: Zuccotti Park by night. (What do protesters have against apostrophes?)
nathalie_r: Still drumming, despite the Zuccotti Park eviction.
nathalie_r: Police shut off Zuccotti Park.
nathalie_r: Waiting to be let back into Zuccotti Park.