Enjoy every moment on Earth: Que serait le monde sans la lumière ? 🌳 What would be the world, without light ?
Enjoy every moment on Earth: vignes embrumées 🍷 Vineyard in the mist
Enjoy every moment on Earth: Il faudra que j'enlève les guirlandes de Noël πŸŽ„ I have to remove Xmas garlands !
Enjoy every moment on Earth: C'est dans l'air du temps......it's a sign of the times.....
Enjoy every moment on Earth: la forêt enchantée πŸ˜€ Fairytale forest
Enjoy every moment on Earth: passer le plumeau / feather duster
Enjoy every moment on Earth: Rase-mottes en Trioplan / Hedgehopping with Trioplan
Enjoy every moment on Earth: Albert-le-Vert en tenue de camouflage ! The green Albert and its camouflage uniform !
Enjoy every moment on Earth: Le bonheur est dans le pré πŸ€ Happiness is in the meadow !
Enjoy every moment on Earth: Quand le soleil se pointe🌱 Early morning in the meadow
Enjoy every moment on Earth: bonheur éphémère 🌺 Fleeting happiness
Enjoy every moment on Earth: dreaming of a Summer morning
Enjoy every moment on Earth: En cet instant......
Enjoy every moment on Earth: Acceptation / acceptance