Nate Oxenfeld: Evening
Nate Oxenfeld: Red Door
Nate Oxenfeld: Towering
Nate Oxenfeld: Commute
Nate Oxenfeld: "whatever it is you think you are, you aren't"
Nate Oxenfeld: "well I hate to be the one to bear such bad news"
Nate Oxenfeld: "if anything, they feel sorry for you"
Nate Oxenfeld: "you're a has-been that never was"
Nate Oxenfeld: "You poor thing, already used to sleeping alone"
Nate Oxenfeld: "And you’re too smart to act so dumb"
Nate Oxenfeld: "Driving north on 35, into the night"
Nate Oxenfeld: "My dream has always been a freight train leaving town"
Nate Oxenfeld: "Is it the red wire, or the blue wire?"
Nate Oxenfeld: "Oh god I love you, I mean forever"
Nate Oxenfeld: "Passing white daisies, taking turns"
Nate Oxenfeld: "I'm going down to sleep on the bottom of the ocean"
Nate Oxenfeld: "you're as pretty as you are cruel"
Nate Oxenfeld: "I am a prisoner in the sunlight"
Nate Oxenfeld: "let go, i'll catch you"
Nate Oxenfeld: "I know to forgive all of the devils"
Nate Oxenfeld: "on the outside looking in"
Nate Oxenfeld: "arrogance and ego wrapped around every word"
Nate Oxenfeld: "everything else is just a train wreck"
Nate Oxenfeld: "A brain that never stops ticking"
Nate Oxenfeld: "I left my body behind to break the news"
Nate Oxenfeld: "sometimes an on-off switch would sure come in handy"
Nate Oxenfeld: "you look smashing in your fourth grade picture"