natashapauli: Don Pepe and Don Árgel resting
natashapauli: Arturo and Clemilde with the horses
natashapauli: Midday mountains
natashapauli: View towards Valle Azul
natashapauli: Valle Azul
natashapauli: Don Pepe
natashapauli: Don Pepe and I
natashapauli: Don Pepe engged in his favourite activity: eating
natashapauli: A river we had to cross on horseback
natashapauli: Nearly a proper gaucha!
natashapauli: Arturo
natashapauli: Gaucho country
natashapauli: About to cross the Rio Azul
natashapauli: Don Arturo on the bridge
natashapauli: Pico Moro
natashapauli: Rio Tigre
natashapauli: Horses crossing the bridge without rider
natashapauli: Bridge crossing
natashapauli: Don Arturo and I
natashapauli: Me on the bridge
natashapauli: Where salmon run free
natashapauli: Where Rio Tigre meets Rio Azul
natashapauli: Don Árgel gets into the fuschias
natashapauli: Don Arturo with the horses
natashapauli: Coming up a particularly steep slope
natashapauli: Casa Piedra