Nataraj Metz: Sea Tongue
Nataraj Metz: First Encounter with the Guitar Ray
Nataraj Metz: Eating Sea Grass
Nataraj Metz: Building a Sand Castle
Nataraj Metz: Robert observing his first Turtle
Nataraj Metz: Robert would like to play with the Turtle
Nataraj Metz: Turtle-caused Sandstorm
Nataraj Metz: Grazing
Nataraj Metz: Elegant Leopard Floater
Nataraj Metz: Diver and Bubbles
Nataraj Metz: Colored Sand Kitsch in Vases
Nataraj Metz: Egyptian Hotel Architecture
Nataraj Metz: Cheapest Accomodation
Nataraj Metz: Hanging out near the Beach to poison some tourists
Nataraj Metz: Crocodile Pink Mouth
Nataraj Metz: Obstructed Sea View
Nataraj Metz: Wizard hats in the Sunset
Nataraj Metz: Sun setting over Temples
Nataraj Metz: Bridge in the Desert
Nataraj Metz: Retortenstadt
Nataraj Metz: Facehugger's Egg
Nataraj Metz: Bubble Pile
Nataraj Metz: Out of this World Flowerbed
Nataraj Metz: Egyptian Lego Hotel
Nataraj Metz: Pool Landscape
Nataraj Metz: Tentacle Forest with yellow leaves
Nataraj Metz: A Bouquet of Tentacles
Nataraj Metz: Single Bat Fish
Nataraj Metz: Self-Portrait of a diver
Nataraj Metz: Taking a break under the sea