Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: Get me together...
Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: CENSORED - Photo Contest
Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: "Where is my wave?" said the surfer girl !
Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: Linha - The Elf taking
Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: Delicate comme un papillon....
Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: Capone's sister....
Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: She will be part of your winter....
Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: The fresh fragrance of new year
Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: The starting point of all achievement is... Desire...
Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: Clever as the Devil and twice as pretty...
Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: Storm that changes your life, might be a chance you need to grab
Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: I used to be your Angel
Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: Before the first before and after the last after, there is night waiting
Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: If I was ignoring you, like you ignore me, you would hate me... walking away...
Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: Nothing is more conductive to peace of mind than not having any opinion at all
Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be
Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: Je sais mieux faire l'amitié que l'amour (J. Cocteau)
Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: Change the world by being yourself
Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: Living is easy with eyes closed (J. Lennon)
Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous (I. Bergman)
Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: The stars secretly smile at you when they look at you
Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air (J. Adams)
Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: We are the choices we make, and we are the chances we take, no one else. We make our future with our actions, good or bad is all in our hands
Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: Know who you are, and know it's enough
Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: It is always the small pieces that make the bigger picture
Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: Look close enough and you'll see inside my soul
Natacha Haroldsen - Enaitch: In a portrait, I’m looking for the silence in somebody