Perpetual*Bliss: {and its finally here - spring 08}
Perpetual*Bliss: {and its finally here - spring 08}
Perpetual*Bliss: {waiting}
Perpetual*Bliss: {spring whites}
Perpetual*Bliss: {moments of beauty}
Perpetual*Bliss: {orange}
Perpetual*Bliss: {afternoon color}
Perpetual*Bliss: {its never too early for spring}
Perpetual*Bliss: {is it blue-er}
Perpetual*Bliss: {and i've completely lost myself but i dont mind}
Perpetual*Bliss: {but just because they dont feel it too, doesn't mean that you have to forget}
Perpetual*Bliss: {turn into something beautiful}
Perpetual*Bliss: {when its always raining in this part of the world}
Perpetual*Bliss: {another beginning}
Perpetual*Bliss: {looks like its here - spring09}
Perpetual*Bliss: {looks like its here - spring09}
Perpetual*Bliss: {blue but happy}
Perpetual*Bliss: {floating}
Perpetual*Bliss: {dream happy dreams}
Perpetual*Bliss: {of pleasant dreams}
Perpetual*Bliss: {and how could it be any better than this}
Perpetual*Bliss: {and how can i stand here with you and not be moved by you}
Perpetual*Bliss: {and it feels like spring now}
Perpetual*Bliss: {you're in every thought i have, i dont need reminders}
Perpetual*Bliss: {happy yellow day}
Perpetual*Bliss: {happy yellow day}
Perpetual*Bliss: {and i remembered how it used to be when he was my replacement sun, the warmth that made my empty life liveable}
Perpetual*Bliss: {yellow makes it all a little better}
Perpetual*Bliss: {behind every trial and sorrow that He makes us shoulder, God has a reason}