NatBat: pre-holiday duty free
NatBat: Niqui finishing some last minuite work
NatBat: tiny tiny plane!
NatBat: Us at the airport
NatBat: getting onto the tiny plane
NatBat: on the tiny plane ... aka our flying bus
NatBat: Simon
NatBat: the back of the bus (tiny plane)
NatBat: Reading the in flight magazine
NatBat: miniscule!
NatBat: hahah exit
NatBat: Alderney from the air
NatBat: "wow isnt this island small"
NatBat: Fort Clonque, Home
NatBat: Zig-zag
NatBat: Headland
NatBat: Our fort
NatBat: Our fort
NatBat: Pretty windy on the way to our fort!
NatBat: lovely walk
NatBat: hello fort!
NatBat: on our way
NatBat: rocky outcrop
NatBat: The causeway, cut off at high tide twice a day
NatBat: its quite fortified!
NatBat: Setting up the wifi network
NatBat: One is just not enough laptop for Simon
NatBat: Chris and Matt
NatBat: Sunset
NatBat: Sunset