starwitness: 8/365: snowkeh!
starwitness: 9/365: camera love
starwitness: 10/365: craving color
starwitness: 11/365: 7:30 a.m.
starwitness: 12/365: ice water
starwitness: 13/365: 5:00 p.m.
starwitness: 14/365: hungry
starwitness: 16/365
starwitness: 17/365: gifted
starwitness: 18/365
starwitness: 19/365: work
starwitness: 20/365: looking up
starwitness: 21/365: the blue hour
starwitness: 22/365: frosty
starwitness: 23/365
starwitness: 24/365
starwitness: 25/365: thank goodness that's over
starwitness: 26/365: laundry
starwitness: 27/365: breakfast of champions
starwitness: 28/365: office view
starwitness: 29/365
starwitness: 30/365: a moon full of stars and astral cars
starwitness: 31/365