Nata Luna: [broken/rules-1] "...meanwhile, i can't help anybody, i can't run... what am i?!" "so, what a person can do determines what they are?!"
Nata Luna: [b/r-2] "of course! i'd never travel with someone who couldn't pull their own weight!" "what about me when you first brought me onboard? what about me on bad days?!"
Nata Luna: [b/r-3] "you've always been the exception..." "but you admit, i'm still the same person even when i can't do much?"
Nata Luna: [b/r-4] "well... you're just as much trouble as you ever were." "so are you, Doctor."
Nata Luna: [b/r-5] "you'll stay...?" "i'll stay for a while."
Nata Luna: [b/r-6] "hey remember that time when..." [bla bla bla]
Nata Luna: [b/r-7] "sleep is for tortoises!" "would it kill you to be a tortoise for a few hours?!"