Nicole': Table texture
Nicole': He's so cute and he gets to sleep indoors when they close.
Nicole': Spangles fun interior
Nicole': Chrome Dome
Nicole': Spangles - good eats!
Nicole': Lawrence, Est 1854
Nicole': Fed Ex - ever notice the arrow before?
Nicole': Tag Car!
Nicole': yes, even the glovebox
Nicole': Lawrence May 24 09-10
Nicole': Lawrence May 24 09-11
Nicole': Lawrence, MA street. Lovely day for some lunch outside
Nicole': The one time it's ok to go cow tipping
Nicole': Lawrence May 30 09-20
Nicole': I wanted to buy this book just for the cover
Nicole': Lawrence May 30 09-19
Nicole': what I see when I look at a map of the U.S.
Nicole': Lawrence May 30 09-21
Nicole': Lawrence May 30 09-22
Nicole': Does he scare you?
Nicole': with this ring.....I light you up!
Nicole': HBW - zebra style!
Nicole': Orange & Blue, my fave combo
Nicole': Lawrence May 30 09-03
Nicole': Lawrence May 30 09-05
Nicole': Pink shoes for Z!
Nicole': Lawrence May 30 09-09
Nicole': Lawrence May 30 09-10
Nicole': doesn't that just make ya smile?
Nicole': Music IS colorful